The answer is "Thinkers." I refer to three films I saw relatively recently that really make you think. I really enjoyed all three of them, and I only threw the "Stinkers" in there just because it sounded good. I didn't see these in the theater, but I haven't posted anything in a long while, so here it goes...
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 75%
My Score: 9/10
I really, really enjoyed this movie. It's a little more intellectual than a standard sci-fi, but with all the great special effects I expect in one. The plot sounds pretty hokey when you hear it - the sun is dying, and so a group of scientists flies to the sun to deliver an enormous nuclear bomb, hoping to reignite the dying star. Wow, really? Sounds like The Core or something! I know, it sounds pretty dumb. However, I'm really glad I didn't decide to skip it after I read that synopsis, because I ended up loving it.
The pace of the film is quite slow. A lot of the story is told through dialog between the various members of the crew. They represent humanity's last hope of ever having any sun bonuses to enjoy. To add some variety, we see plenty of breathtaking shots of the ship, whether to become familiar with the layout, or to show the scale. I really like the design of their ship, the Icarus II, and they were able to get some amazing graphics with the relatively low budget.
The music deserves a paragraph of its own! Yeah, I'm going there! It really adds to the mood of the film, making it very mystical and thought-provoking. Also, the dramatic scenes are made so much more powerful by the intense moments in the score.
Another thing I want to bring up is how grounded everything is. The filmmakers went through great pains to ensure the believability of everything they do. The technology isn't ridiculously advanced, the physics are accurate, the whole thing just feels like it really could happen that way.
If you can handle a bit of a slower pace, I would strongly recommend this one. I saw it three times within a week after I first saw it. There are so many cool things to notice each time. I also have to add that it is stunning on blu-ray.
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 64%
My Score: 7.5/10
Overall, I would say I really enjoyed this movie. This is another sci-fi that really makes you think. Thought it, too, has some really neat visual moments, they certainly are not the focus. I felt quite confused pretty much the whole time as I watched it, though I only saw it once. Many connections are made by the end, but there is also plenty left for the viewer to think about once it's all over. If you don't like confusing movies, certainly avoid this one.
It's hard for me to write too much about it, A) because I need to be really careful not to give anything away, and B) I've only seen it once, and so my understanding of everything would be greatly improved after a second viewing. There was plenty of suspense, though, which kept it interesting almost the whole time, as you're trying to figure out what's going on. There was also a lot of romance, including some shots of George Clooney's rear-end. A lot of the story is based on his character's relationship with his wife.
I give the film a high score because it was very well made. It's interesting, the visual effects are beautiful, and the plot constantly keeps you guessing what's going on. It certainly isn't mainstream, though, so it's not for everyone.
The Fountain
I think I'm actually going to wait to write this review. I absolutely loved this film, but there was so much I didn't understand after 1 viewing, that I don't think I can do it justice at this point. I ordered it on DVD, though, so I'll soon get the chance to understand it more. It's no light movie, that's for sure. Like I said, I loved it and would recommend it to those who like to think hard about movies, but I'll write more later.