Friday, August 7, 2009

Post #1 - The Hurt Locker

Well, here goes my first post on this blog. Welcome to The Christophilm Blog. To be honest, I never thought I'd have my own blog until I'm married, but here I am anyway! Since I got back from my mission at the end of last year, I've watched A LOT of movies. I watched a lot before my mission as well, but I really kicked it into overdrive this year. With the help of friends and family, Netflix, and an extremely easy job, I've probably seen around 300 movies since getting back from Hungary! Anyway, I'd like to start writing about those movies and any new ones I see. I'm not sure who will care about what I think of these movies, seeing as I'm no professional critic or nuffin', but I hope I can provide some weighty insight.

The Hurt Locker
Rotten Tomatoes score - 98%
My Score - 9/10

So, my first post will be about the most recent film I saw, The Hurt Locker. For a synopsis, visit the main site. Basically, it is a war movie that follows an American bomb-defusal squad in 2004 Iraq. It is rated R for "war violence and language." This is because the filmmakers went for a very gritty, realistic effect, which includes all the blood and f-bombs and "shnikies" that go with that. In fact, there were probably about 5 times more f-bombs than Iraqi bombs! I'm sorry, I had to.

I really enjoyed the film. It was so different than anything else I've seen, which is likely why it's getting such great reviews. Now, I tend to not predict things when I watch movies. I don't know if I'm just too stupid and gullible, or what, but I like to think I have the ability to just switch off the ol' noggin and enjoy the ride. Therefore, when people tell me they saw things coming, or they guessed the end from the beginning, I just kinda chuckle to myself and think, "Hmm, I definitely didn't!" That said, I still have a sense of film formulas (filmulas?), and how movies often progress. The Hurt Locker, however, doesn't really fit into anything I've seen. They often shake things up (or in this case blow things up) to remind you that you haven't seen this before. The suspense is handled masterfully. The filmmakers put you on the edge of your seat as long as they can by drawing out the action scenes and by putting you right there in the action. I found myself exhaling quite loudly when the scenes finally ended!

It's hard for me to say that the film provides a realistic look into the Iraqi war, seeing as I've never experienced anything like that, but it really does feel accurate. The movie looks at how the war affects the soldiers externally as well as internally. It opens with a quote that, among other things, says, "War is a drug," and then focuses on how this applies to the main character, Will James (Jeremy Renner), throughout the film. We see how he flourishes in the heat of combat, how he is, in fact, rather addicted to the rush, and how that affects those around him.

To sometimes break up the rather serious nature of the film, there are many funny moments, often provided by Jeremy Renner's character. He plays a really cocky but funny guy, who never really seems to take things seriously. Unfortunately, I felt like I had already seen most of the funny parts in the trailer, which lessened the impact when I was watching the movie. If you have seen the trailer, though, there are still many great parts left in the movie, so don't worry.

Now, at this point, you're probably wondering, "Wait a minute, Chris! You gave this movie a less-than-perfect score of 9 out of 10, yet you haven't mentioned a single negative point! What's the deal? I mean, are you even...etc." Jeez, hold your horses, and I'll explain! Well, though I can't really come up with a solid aspect of the movie to criticize, it simply isn't a movie I would watch over and over again. In other words, I didn't love it. True, I don't see how they could have done it better, but that doesn't make it one of my all-time favorites. There, you happy? Get off my back, already!

Well, that's that. If you have any questions about the film, my review, or about me personally, please leave a comment. If you've already seen The Hurt Locker, tell me what you liked or didn't like about it. Well, have a day!

B-t-dubs, if you're curious, click here!

1 comment:

daMawma said...

Three hundred movies in a year? I'm impressed!